Hack a protected WiFi network [How To Tutorial]

Today We are going to learn how to hack WEP/WPA2-PSK wifi passwords.This tutorial would help you do the same.First things first! what would you need ?

  • A Computer / A virtual machine running Kali Linux Or Backtrack Linux
  • A Compatible Wireless Adapter/Card [Usually all of them are compatible ]
  • A Wordlist/Dictionary [Optional , as backtrack already has a word list with it ]
  • Brains 

So lets start !
wait before starting, If you want a video tutorial for the same please follow the link below


Now Lets Hack !

First open a terminal window by pressing CTRL+ALT+T.
Now we need to put our network card into monitor mode so that it listens to all the wifi traffic instead of connecting to it.
Output of the command airmon-ng start wlan0

 airmon-ng start wlan0

Now we need to  get a list of available wifi networks with their details.So we use the airodump-ng script to do that.

 airodump-ng mon0

Now you would get a list of wifi networks , You need to select a network , preferably the first network as it has the highest signal strength , or any wifi network you want to . its upto you . next we are going to point the airodump script to save all the captures packets from a wifi network. so fot that we would use the command below. The mac address is given in the first column. then the channel is  given in the sixth column from the left. and in the end the location . it can be any place unless and until you remember it. i used Desktop/wpacrack as the location .

airodump-ng –bssid [Mac] -c [channel] –write [location] mon0

We want to capture a four-way handshake, which has the password encrypted in it which usually is sent when a client connects to the network. To make things faster we would use aireplay-ng script to de-authenticate the connected wifi users so they have to connect again and we would capture the packets.

           aireplay-ng –deauth 100 -a [mac address] mon0

now we need to crack the encrypted hash which we captured in the four-way handshake . This would use a wordlist. If you have your own wordlist then you can use that wordlist else you could use the default wordlist.

aircrack-ng [Location of capture file] -w /pentest/passwords/wordlists/rockyou.txt

now that we have given a long wordlist to backtrack to test passwords on , it would take some time depending upon the speed of your processor or graphics card if graphics acceleration is enabled.The screen would look like below. In the second line the number given in brackets states number of keys being tested in a second. and below that it states the key being tested.

And after some time you would get the password ! Yay ! 
The password is given in the third line stating key found and then a password in brackets.that is the password of the wifi network you were trying to hack .

This tutorial was only for educational purposes only.I / Any authors are not liable for any misuse of this tutorial.

Happy hacking ! 

Hack a protected WiFi network [How To Tutorial]